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20+ Effective Tips on How To Get Followers on Pinterest

by OneCommerce
How to get followers on Pinterest

You might be wondering why it’s important to learn how to get followers on Pinterest. And there’s a great answer to that question!

Pinterest is one of the most effective places to market your products or services. And the best part is: it’s FREE marketing.

Moreover, one of the advantages of Pinterest is that it’s very engaging for users. If you can get people to follow you on the site, you can reap lots of benefits from promoting your business and increasing sales.

Of course, it’s not always easy to get people to follow you on Pinterest. But there are some simple things you can do to make it more likely that people will want to follow you.

If you’re struggling to get more followers on the site, keep reading. In this article, we’ll share some effective tips for how to get followers on Pinterest.

Let’s go!

21 real tips on how to get followers on Pinterest

If you’ve been following the internet for a long time, you’ve probably seen some strategies for increasing your Pinterest followers. 

From sharing cryptic posts that demand a reaction to buying followers, there’s an endless list of ways you can manipulate your account to reach a wider audience. And then, you will feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. 

Don’t worry, we are here to show you 21 REAL tips on how to get followers on Pinterest.

1. Understand your audience on Pinterest

Social media is a competitive space. Therefore, you need to set yourself apart from your competitors as fast as possible. With that in mind, you need to know who your audience is.

Having a clear understanding of the people who use Pinterest is the first tip you should know on how to get followers on Pinterest. This will be helpful when you’re creating content for your profile.

How to get followers on Pinterest

21 real tips on how to get followers on Pinterest.

Here are some interesting statistics about Pinterest:

2. Engage with what is popular and well-performed

As you may know, you can learn a lot from looking at popular content on Pinterest. You can note what’s performing well, and see if you can find commonalities to apply to your own content.

When you find something compelling, consider taking action, such as re-pinning it to one of your boards, following the user, or writing a thoughtful comment. 

How to get followers on Pinterest

You can note what’s performing well, and see if you can find commonalities to apply to your own content.

All of these actions will help increase your brand’s exposure on Pinterest. But don’t go overboard – too many comments may be flagged as spam. Instead, you should focus on writing some sincere comments that go beyond one- or two-word remarks like “Awesome!” or “That’s great.”

3. Join relevant group boards and make use of them

Joining group boards can be a really good tip on how to get followers on Pinterest. To find group boards in your brand’s category, you can search for the top Pinterest boards available. 

If you see a “Request to join” button on the board’s page, click it to send a request to the owner. Most group board owners put this button to prevent getting overwhelmed with requests.

If you don’t see a request button, read the board’s description for instructions on how to submit a request. You can also contact the board owner through a private message on Pinterest.

4. Post fresh and unique content

When creating pins for Pinterest, you need to keep in mind that people use the site to discover new things. This means that your pins should be original, unique, and not clichéd.

Instead of using stock photos, you rather highlight any elements of novelty or newness to get people excited about your ideas. (According to How to make great Pins)

5. Stand out with beautiful visuals

Interesting pins definitely perform better on Pinterest, and there are a few characteristics that they tend to have in common:

  • Firstly, they tend to be beautiful – this makes sense, as people are naturally drawn to visually appealing things. 
  • Secondly, they tend to be interesting, which again makes sense as people want to see things that are new and exciting. 
  • Finally, they tend to be actionable – in other words, people feel like they can do something with the information or image that they’re seeing.

As Pinterest is first and foremost a visual platform, it’s important to use images that will catch users’ eyes. But don’t forget that your pins should also be exciting and actionable – in that order – if you want them to perform well.

How to get followers on Pinterest

Stand out with beautiful visuals is an important tip on how to get followers on Pinterest.

So, if you want to make your pictures stand out on Pinterest, here are a few pointers:

  • Use high-resolution and high-quality images.
  • Lifestyle images are more alluring than standard product shots, so try to use those when possible.
  • Avoid images that are too busy.
  • Vertically-oriented photos have a much higher impact than horizontal ones since most users access Pinterest on mobile devices.
  • Keep pictures a reasonable size so they don’t get cut off. The ideal aspect ratio is 2:3 (wide x high – 600×900).
  • Consider showing multiple products in a single Pin, as this can attract different audiences and spark curiosity. It’s also best to keep the number of products per Pin at four or less, so as not to overwhelm viewers. 
  • And finally, don’t forget about the power of video – if you have the resources, short videos can be extremely effective on this platform.

6. Include detailed descriptions

Your stunning image may have initially caught somebody’s eye, but to maintain their interest, you need a captivating caption to go along with it. Don’t settle for short, one-sentence descriptions instead. This way, it can give users information that would compel them to learn more about your brand.

7. Make use of Keywords & Hashtags

Similar to other search engines, you should optimize your content on Pinterest for better discoverability. This means using keyword-rich descriptions and hashtags that make you appear in relevant searches. 

You should keep in mind that your content should be appealing and easily digestible so that users are encouraged to click through to your website or blog.

How to get followers on Pinterest

Keyword-rich descriptions and hashtags are really effective tips on how to get followers on Pinterest.

So, if you’re looking for the right keywords and hashtags to use, here are a few tips:

  • Use Pinterest’s search bar. Start by putting in a few keywords, and take note of the automatic suggestions.
  • Check out the keyword bubbles that appear in the search results header.
  • Look at the hashtag suggestions and usage stats as you add hashtags to your Pin descriptions.
  • Search for a relevant hashtag, and look at the tags and keywords being used by Pinners who are using that hashtag.
  • Look at the trending hashtags in your category (this option is only available on the mobile app).

8. Name Pinterest boards thoughtfully

Optimizing your boards for search is key. This means having board names that are direct and to the point. If someone were to search for the contents of your board, your title should be one of the first things to pop up.

Furthermore, utilizing relevant hashtags in your description helps tremendously. 

Additionally, make sure your board is in the appropriate category- do some research to determine where it fits best. All of these tips will help increase traffic to your boards. 

9. Organize boards based on-board sections

Pinterest has added a new way to help organize content called Sections. This is helpful when you have a large board category, like Home Décor, and you want to be able to create separate sections for each room. 

This not only makes your boards look great and more navigable, but it also adds credibility to your brand. Be sure to use descriptive, keyword-rich language when labeling your sections.

If you want to stay organized, here are some things you can do:

  • Organize your ideas
  • Clear your boards and clean them regularly
  • Plan

This would help your brand’s credibility. Your followers can then access the content that interests them. Make the sections descriptive and utilize language that is rich in keywords.

10. Create rich pins

If you want your pins to stand out and get more followers on Pinterest, you should consider using rich pins. Rich pins are the ones that include extra details and metadata taken from your website, making them more informative than regular pins. 

You can easily identify a rich pin by the extra information it includes. 

Rich pins come in four types:

  • Article
  • App
  • Product
  • Recipe pins. 

Rich Pins are great for brands that sell products because they display the price in real-time and availability details. Meanwhile, article pins are perfect for publishers or bloggers as they include a headline, author, and story description.

11. Post consistently & schedule pins

The content on Pinterest reaches users over a longer period than on other social media platforms. Pinterest posts have a greater lifespan and can show up on users’ feeds weeks or months after they are posted if they are relevant to the user’s search. 

Therefore, you must not overwhelm your audience by posting multiple times on Pinterest. If you want to obtain followers on Pinterest, focus on the quality of your pins.

What’s more, when it comes to pinning content on Pinterest, it’s always best to plan ahead. This way, you can ensure that your pins are being published promptly and that you’re not losing track of any important dates.

For best results, brands should share periodic content at least 45 days before any holiday or event. Some brands even share several months’ worth of pins in advance of special events.

12. Grab the pins on holidays

Holidays are definitely busier times on social media platforms like Pinterest. More people are online looking for ideas and inspiration, so if you want to get more Pinterest followers, you need to prepare yourself with lots of great content.

Make sure you have a solid plan for the holiday season to take advantage of the increased traffic. 

Moreover, think about what sorts of pins will be popular during each holiday and plan accordingly. You can also use a Pinterest planner to stay organized and on track.

How to get followers on Pinterest

If you want to make the best use of tips on how to get followers on Pinterest, you need to prepare yourself with lots of great content.

Most people come to Pinterest for ideas and inspiration related to major holidays and seasonal celebrations. A Pinterest Holiday Planner can help you understand how the different types of pins will be distributed on the platform, and be aware that your brand posts pins to all boards regularly. It will also give you the time to sit back, explore and discover how you can best grow your brand on the platform.

13. Use the Follow button

To get more followers on Pinterest, it’s essential to include a follow button. This button makes it easy for your audience to follow your brand and stay updated. Therefore, you should install the button in various online places such as your newsletter, website, email signatures, or any other place on the web that you think would be ideal for attracting people and getting them to follow your brand. 

how to get followers on Pinterest

If you are learning how to get followers on Pinterest, then, it’s essential to include a follow button.

In most cases, people make use of the Pinterest icon to promote their brand’s Pinterest profile. This ensures that it would link to their brand’s Pinterest account.

14. Add a Save button to your website

The Save button for Pinterest is a great way to get your website visitors involved with your brand on Pinterest. 

With the Save button, visitors can share any image from your website on Pinterest, acting as ambassadors for your brand.

15. Verify your website

To get your website’s profile picture to show up next to the Pins that users save from your site, you need to go through Pinterest’s process of claiming your site. This will also give you access to website analytics so you can better understand what Pins are being saved from your site.

16. Create a widget

You can integrate your Pinterest account with your website in a variety of ways, but one way is through widgets. With widgets, you can embed Pins, showcase your profile, or display a board on your website. This gives website visitors who also have Pinterest accounts a preview of your content and might encourage them to follow you.

17. Connect offline with Pincodes

Pincodes are a lot like QR codes in that they are designed to help people find your company on Pinterest while offline. You can add Pincode to business cards, brochures, print ads, packaging, or any other merchandise. When someone scans the code with the Pinterest camera, they will be taken directly to your Pinterest profile, board, or pin.

18. Promote your Pins

Promoted Pins are a great way to increase your social media budget’s exposure. Pick a Pin that’s already doing well and target it to reach new prospective followers. Your Promoted Pins will appear just like regular pins would in the feeds of more Pinners.

19. Find your audience

Ad targeting on Pinterest allows you to reach new audiences by their interests and keywords. This is great for finding individuals who might be interested in your brand.

How to get followers on Pinterest

Ad targeting on Pinterest allows you to reach new audiences by their interests and keywords.

Actalike targeting allows you to find users whose interests and behaviors reflect your most valuable customers.

Engagement targeting connects you with users who have already engaged with your brand. Retargeting these individuals with a follow call to action can help turn these interactions into deeper bonds.

20. Create a Pinterest contest

If you want to run a Pinterest contest, make sure to follow Pinterest’s guidelines so your contest runs smoothly. Some key things to keep in mind are that you can’t require people to save a specific image, there should only be one entry per person, and you can’t suggest or imply that Pinterest is sponsoring or endorsing your contest.

Additionally, you should make sure that your rules of entry are clear and compliant with Pinterest’s guidelines. 

Finally, remember to follow all relevant laws and regulations.

21. Test, evaluate, adjust, and repeat

Last but not least, the last thing on how to get followers on Pinterest you should do is to Test, evaluate, adjust, and repeat your process.

As any good social media marketer knows, trial and error is a fundamental part of the job. Pinterest analytics offers several tools and actionable insights that help you see how your audience interacts with your content.

How to get followers on Pinterest

the last thing on how to get followers on Pinterest you should do is to Test, evaluate, adjust, and repeat your process.

Whether something is working or not, it’s always good practice to take a step back and evaluate why. After you’ve learned why something works, it will be simpler to apply in the future.

Congratulations! You have learned all the tips on how to get followers on Pinterest! With this knowledge, we are sure that you can make the most of this site and reach a larger audience for your business.

Final Thoughts

Pinterest has over 100 million active users and is a site where people can get inspiration, collect ideas and share their own content. As a company or individual, it is wise to use Pinterest as part of your social media marketing strategy. It’s also a great way to build your brand, attract new clients and increase your sales. 

The more followers you have, the greater your reach will be. Our 20+ effective tips on how to get followers on Pinterest are to make sure that you are giving people a reason to follow you. You should share content that is relevant to your niche, and that is highly visual.

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