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eBay Local Pickup Important Information for Sellers & Buyers

by OneCommerce
eBay Local Pickup Important Information for Sellers & Buyers - OneCommerce

eBay sellers have a myriad of options when it comes to the delivery of items. The first decision to make, however, is whether to ship the item or offer the buyer the choice to pick up the item themselves. It is also possible to offer both options.

Deciding to send products gives up a new range of options, including calculated (cost varies by region), flat (same cost to all purchasers), and freight (for large and bulky items).

This article will explore the practicalities of local pickup and how to offer it and buy with it.

eBay local pickup option 

eBay recommends selecting the local pickup delivery option for large and/or delicate items. This could include furniture or other big things that would be too expensive to ship in the usual way.

When choosing eBay local pickup during listing set up, include a ZIP code or postal code to let buyers know where the item is located. This will be made public on the listing.

eBay.com sellers choosing to use the eBay local pickup option must also:

  • Offer at least one of the approved electronic payment methods
  • Specify when and how the buyer can collect the item in the listing description or checkout instructions

It is advised to avoid accepting payment methods that take a long time to clear, such as cheques.

Sellers are able to accept cash as a payment method for eBay local pickup items.

Buyers are recommended to contact vendors directly if they need more information about the actual pickup location before purchasing.

local pickup

Proof of pick-up

To confirm the exchange and formally close the deal, eBay launched an enhanced local pickup tracking feature on the eBay app in July 2020.

The proof of pickup option has greatly reduced the risk of buyers being able to make an “item not received” claim via the Money Back Guarantee.

For proof of pickup you can:

  • Use the eBay app to scan the QR code the buyer received through email: After the purchase is completed, the buyer will receive a confirmation email with a QR code and a 6-digit code
  • Use the eBay app to manually enter the 6-digit code the buyer received through email.

To scan the QR code, please follow these steps:

  • Go to Selling on the eBay App.
  • Go to the Sold tab.
  • Select the Arrange Pickup banner.
  • Tap the Scan to confirm the pickup button.

When one of these codes is entered, the item is marked as delivered instantly. If cash was used as payment, the vendor must still mark the item as paid.

If a seller does not want to use the eBay app to confirm pick-up, eBay advises that sellers should ask the buyer to sign a copy of the eBay order form.

Returns process for eBay local pickup items

Returns for products delivered to the buyer via the local pickup option are treated almost similarly to returns for items shipped.

Here are some common return scenarios and their solutions:

  • The buyer has changed their mind and would like to return the item. If the seller does not accept returns for reasons of remorse, they do not have to accept the return request.
  • The buyer claims that the item is faulty or does not match the listing description. The seller must accept a return as per the Money Back Guarantee if the buyer paid with PayPal or another electronic payment method.
  • The buyer claims that the item was not received and files a Money Back Guarantee claim. eBay will still require proof (see the tracking feature above) that the item was successfully delivered from seller to buyer.
A little note for you!

The buyer has no Money Back Guarantee protection at all when purchasing the item with cash.


4 problems with eBay local pickup For Sellers

As with shipping, local pickup is not an infallible method of delivery. Continue reading to learn about some of the most typical issues that sellers face while using local pickup on eBay.

#1 Items not received

As mentioned, eBay purchasers can still make ‘item not received‘ claims under eBay’s Money Back Guarantee for products picked up in person.

Thankfully, this issue has been addressed with the introduction of the Local Pickup code system in 2020.

#2 Electronic payment requirement

One of the most appealing aspects of local pickup is the ability to receive cash rather than electronic funds. After all, cash is a one-time payment with no ties attached (such as the Money Back Guarantee protection).

The issue with eBay local pickup option is that sellers must accept at least one recognized e-payment method. Obviously, this is a huge issue. It will very certainly be the decisive factor for many eBay sellers who choose not to provide local pickup.


#3 On-time shipping

Sellers may wonder if selecting the local pickup delivery option will affect their Detailed Seller Rating (DSR) for shipping. Luckily, it does not impact sellers’ DSR. 

If no tracking information is provided, eBay will contact the buyer in accordance with the seller performance standards policy. If the customer confirms that the item was delivered on time, the seller will be recognized for on-time shipping and their DSR will not be impacted.

#3 Waste the time

Selling products with a local pickup option can be a time-waster in a variety of ways.

To begin with, it may take numerous attempts to reach the buyer before the final pickup is scheduled. Even if a time is agreed upon, there is no guarantee that the buyer will appear on time.

Moreover, the amount of time spent with the buyer on arrival may sometimes be longer than expected. This is especially true if the pickup place is a business with other items for sale such as a retail store or warehouse.

On the other hand, sellers using local pickup can hope to save substantial time in other areas. Packing and shipping items, for example, can be more time-consuming than expected.

How to buy with eBay local pickup for buyers

When you purchase an item that is available for local pickup, you will be given information about the item’s location at the time of purchase. If you need more information before making a purchase, go to the listing and click Contact seller.

#1 How to arrange an eBay local pickup as a buyer?

After you’ve made your purchase, contact the seller to schedule a time and location for you to pick up your item, as well as how you’ll pay for it.

The seller will let you know which payment methods they accept. In addition to credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or PayPal, you can sometimes pay for local pickup items by internet banking, check, or money order either beforehand or when you pick up your item. 

Sellers may also accept cash for local pickup purchases and this is one of the biggest reasons why eBay buyers decide to choose eBay local pickup. 

After you’ve completed your purchase, eBay will send an email with a Local Pickup code (a QR code and a 6-digit code) to your Messages or Email. 

You can print the code off or show the seller the message on the app when you collect your item. The seller will scan or enter the code on the eBay app to confirm you’ve picked up your item.

#2 How to find listings with eBay local pickup?

To see listings with local pickup, select Free local pickup on the left-hand side of the search results page when you’re searching for items on eBay.

You can also use Advanced search to filter your search results for local pickup listings only. Here’s how:

  • Select Advanced next to the search bar.
  • Enter your keywords.
  • Go to Shipping options and select Local pickup.
  • Add your location details and select Search.


eBay local pickup is one of the most popular shipping options because of its convenience and safe with big and fragile goods. After this article, we hope you can get the basic knowledge about this shipping choice, as well as its problems and how to buy with it. 

In some situations, you could be getting scammed with eBay local pickup. To avoid this, you can watch this video from Flea Market Flipper:

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We wish you have good experience with eBay shopping and eBay local pickup!

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