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Ultimate Guide about AWS EMR: Everything You Need to Know

by OneCommerce
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A considerable percentage of this data will probably be important to your company. You may undertake risk analysis, engage with customers, and develop your product with the fresh insights it can give you. 

Elastic MapReduce (EMR) from Amazon is one such solution that can help with this. We’ll go through what AWS EMR is, how it functions, and how it could help you in this article. After that, you may decide if it’s valuable to include in your big data approach.

Definition of AWS EMR

Companies frequently struggle to collect, preserve, and analyze all of the data to obtain better insight and value. Besides, data will expand and get more diversified when it arrives from more sources, but it must be safely accessible. 

In order to process and analyze enormous volumes of data on AWS, you may easily operate big data frameworks like Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark on Amazon EMR. Whereby, you can process data for business intelligence workloads and analytics purposes

Additionally, AWS EMR enables you to convert and transfer huge volumes of data across other AWS databases and data storage, including Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and Amazon DynamoDB.

You can see more detail here.

Overview of AWS EMR

Overview of AWS EMR

Overview of AWS EMR

Organizations consolidate all of their data into a data lake and use one of many open-source distributed processing frameworks to examine that data, including Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop, Apache Storm, and Presto.

However, Amazon S3 is by far the most well-liked storage platform for a data lake. You may store data in Amazon S3 and process using EMR’s computational capabilities as needed. EMR clusters may be set up quickly. Node provisioning, cluster setup, Hadoop configuration, or cluster optimization are not issues for you.

Learn more about clusters and nodes here.

You can turn off your clusters after the procedure is finished. Additionally, without affecting your Amazon S3 data lake storage, you may scale down and automatically resize clusters to suit peak loads.

Furthermore, you may operate several clusters concurrently, enabling them to share a single data set. AWS EMR will keep an eye on your clusters, attempt unsuccessful jobs again, and replace underperforming instances on their own.

You may gather and follow metrics, logs, and audits of Amazon Cloudwatch used in conjunction with EMR. You may also create alarms and respond automatically to changes using this strategy.

When to use AWS EMR

When to use AWS EMR

As your data grew, the size of your infrastructure would grow along with it. Because the systems tie storage and compute together, increasing storage means scaling expensive compute requirements. 

Deploying distributed data processing frameworks is simple and affordable with AWS EMR. It also separates computing from storage. This promotes autonomous growth for both, which improves resource efficiency.

Only the cluster resources you utilize are charged for using EMR at a per-second fee. AWS EMR offers 24/7 standard AWS support at a fraction of the cost compared to other commercial distributed processing framework suppliers.

You may save up to 90% on your bill by using spot pricing. According to a recent study by IDC, EMR has a 342% higher five-year return on investment than on-premise solutions.

Advantages and disadvantages of AWS EMR 

Particularly when you combine AWS EMR with some of Amazon’s other web-based offerings, it is practically unmatched. Even though its advantages are obvious, it does have certain drawbacks. We’ll list a few advantages and disadvantages of Amazon EMR in this part

1. Advantages

  • Savings on expenses:

You can determine AWS EMR cost by the instance type and quantity of Amazon EC2 instances deployed, and Region in which your cluster is launched. 

On-demand pricing is inexpensive, but you can save even more money by purchasing Reserved Instances or Spot Instances. Spot Instances can provide considerable discounts, perhaps as much as a tenth of the on-demand price.

  • Integration with AWS

Amazon EMR interfaces with other AWS services to offer networking, storage, security, and other features and functionality for your cluster.

  • Deployment

Your EMR cluster is made up of EC2 instances that handle the tasks you assign to it. AWS EMR configures the instances with the programs you specify when you begin your clusters, such as Apache Hadoop or Spark.

Select the instance size and type that best meets your cluster’s processing needs: batch processing, low-latency queries, streaming data, or big data storage.

See Configure cluster hardware and networking for additional information on the instance types available for Amazon EMR.

  • Scalability and adaptability

Amazon EMR allows you to scale your cluster up or down as your computing requirements vary. When peak workloads subside, you may adjust your cluster to add instances and delete instances to reduce expenses.

AWS EMR also allows you to operate numerous instance groups, using On-Demand Instances in one group for assured processing capacity and Spot Instances in another to finish your jobs quicker and at a reduced cost. 

You may also combine several instance types to benefit from lower cost for one Spot Instance type over another.

Furthermore, AWS EMR allows you to use several file systems for your input, output, and intermediate data. You can scale your computation demands by resizing your cluster, and you may scale your storage needs by using Amazon S3.

Advantages of AWS EMR

Advantages of AWS EMR

  • Reliability

Amazon EMR monitors cluster nodes and automatically terminates and replaces instances in the event of a failure. Amazon EMR gives configuration choices for determining if you terminate your cluster automatically or manually. 

If you arrange to terminate automatically, you will terminate your cluster after all procedures have been completed. This is known as a transitory cluster.

However, you may set the cluster to continue running after processing is completed, allowing you to manually end it when you no longer want it.

You may also construct a cluster, communicate directly with the installed programs, and then manually end the cluster when you no longer require it. You can refer these clusters to as long-running clusters in these situations.

Amazon EMR is reliable

Amazon EMR is reliable

You may also enable termination protection to prevent instances in your cluster due to failures or difficulties encountered while processing. When you activate termination protection, you may recover data from instances.

  • Security

AWS EMR works with other AWS services like IAM, Amazon VPC, and Amazon EC2 key pairs to help you protect your clusters and data.

More information about security via this article.

  • Monitoring

To debug cluster issues, such as failures or errors, you can use the Amazon EMR administration interfaces and log files. Amazon EMR allows you to archive log files on Amazon S3, allowing you to store logs and address issues even after you terminate your cluster.

Amazon EMR also has a debugging tool in the Amazon EMR UI that allows you to view log files based on steps, jobs, and tasks. See Configure cluster logging and debugging for further details.

AWS EMR interfaces with CloudWatch to measure cluster and job-level performance data. Alarms may be set depending on a range of parameters, such as whether the cluster is idle or the percentage of available storage.

2. Disadvantages

Disadvantages of AWS EMR

Disadvantages of AWS EMR

  • Complicated Frontend 

This appears to be a common issue with most AWS products. For novices, the UI may be difficult to understand. Organizations will frequently have to pay for training or engage trained specialists to assist them in migrating their resources and configuring Amazon EMR. 

Online documentation and tutorials are likewise scarce. You may need to spend some time becoming acquainted with the service and all of its complexities at first.

  • AWS EMR is exclusive to Amazon cloud storage 

Systems don’t allow you to analyze or save on other cloud storage systems. If you already have stored data with another cloud provider, you must migrate it to one of Amazon’s cloud storage or database options.


You may change your strict internal cluster infrastructure, and Amazon EMR can offer you hassle-free Hadoop management. It can also drastically reduce the amount of time needed to process data. I hope that this article will help you to know about AWS EMR. What do you want to know in the following article?

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