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A Guide to Creating The Best Shopify Collections

Shopify collections

Do you know how to create Shopify Collections?

Shopify collections are a great way to organize your products and make it easier for customers to browse through your catalog. You can create collections for different product categories, for sale items, or for any other grouping that makes sense for your business. 

Without these collections, your customers will have to click through many pages and then they’ll get frustrated and give up. Each additional search leads to the wrong type of product that can cost you a potential sale. 

That’s why it is important to have Shopify collections.

Plus, you can also use collections to highlight specific products or promotions in your store. Setting up collections only takes a few minutes, but can bring big benefits to your Shopify store.

So if you’re not using Shopify collections yet, now is the time to start!

What are Shopify collections &  Are they worth using?

An interface of Shopify Collections.

Shopify collections are one of the most important elements of creating a successful Shopify website. Store owners use it to group their products into collections to make it easier for customers to find them by category.

They allow you to logically arrange your products in a way that makes it easy for customers to browse through your catalog and find what they’re looking for and makes your store more organized and customer-friendly.

You can create collections for specific product types, seasonal items, clearance items, or anything else you can think of such as

Creating a Shopify collection is a great way to turn your online store’s visitors into buyers and help you increase sales. It saves your customers time and makes it easy for you to point them in the right direction of whatever they need. 

With Shopify collections, you can easily keep track of your inventory and keep your store organized. They only take a few minutes to set up but can greatly impact your website’s navigation and usability. 

So that is why Shopify collections are worth using!

How many types of Shopify Collections?

Shopify collections can be created manually or automatically

Shopify collections can be created manually or automatically

Automated collections

Manual collections

Note: You can’t change automated collections to manual collections. Instead, create a manual collection and add the products that you want.

After reading some information about automated collections and manual collections, you may be wondering which type of collection is right for your Shopify store. To know more, let’s check your answer below!

Which type of Shopify collections should you use?

You should consider a few things when choosing a collection for your Shopify store

There are a few things to consider when choosing a collection for your Shopify store. 

For example:

If you sell jewelry, you might want to create a collection for each type of jewelry you sell, such as rings, necklaces, and earrings.

Alternatively, you might want to create collections based on themes, such as seasonal items or items for special occasions.

Shopify offers two options for organizing products in collections: manual and automatic

With manual collections, you can hand-pick the products that you want to include in each collection. This gives you complete control over which products are displayed, but it can be time-consuming to manage.

Automated collections, on the other hand, are created based on certain criteria that you specify, such as product type or price. This can save you time, but you’ll need to make sure that the criteria you choose result in the collections that you want.

Shopify collections offer a few different options for this, including a grid view, a list view, and a slideshow view. Each option has its advantages, so think about which one would work best for the products you sell and the way you want customers to browse your collections.

In short

Automated collections are usually preferred because, after you set up the conditions, future products are added automatically. 

This is especially helpful if you have a large selection of products or if you have seasonal or rotating inventories. 

Automated collections offer many advantages and can be a great time-saving tool for your e-commerce store.

Manual collections can take more work to maintain but can be a good choice for small or specialized collections that you intend to curate personally. 

With a manual collection, you have more control over what is included and can ensure that each item is of the highest quality. 

No more waiting, let’s give it a shot today!

How to create Shopify Collections? 

You can create 2 types of Shopify Collections: Automated Collections and Manual Collections. 

Both automated and manual collections have their own benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to choose the right type of collection for your needs.

Let’s begin with Automated Collections – which are usually preferred.

Type #1: How to create Shopify Automated Collections

To start the process, log in to your Shopify Admin

Step 1: From your Shopify admin, go to “Products” > “Collections

Click on “Products”, then click on “Collection” from the dropdown

Step 2: Click on “Create a collection

Click on “Create a collection

Step 3: Enter a title and description for the collection.

Enter a title and description for the collection

Step 4: In the Collection type section, click on “Automated”, select whether products need to match all conditions or any condition to be included in the collection then click “Save”. The products that match the conditions are automatically added to the collection

Edit your Collection type then click Save

Step 5: Set the sort order for how you want the products to be sorted in your store. 

Set the sort order for how you want the products to be sorted in your store.

Step 6: In the Collection availability, select from your active sales channels where you want your collection to be available.

In the Collection image section below, click “Upload image” to add an image for the collection.

Edit the Sale channels that you want to display and upload an image for your Collection image

Step 7: The Search engine listing preview section shows a preview of how your collections will be displayed in search results. 

If you want to edit this information, then click “Edit website SEO”. 

You can’t change the URL and handle, because they are used to link the collection to your online store. Click on “Save” for the last time.

Don’t forget to click save

Step 8: Add a link to the collection in your Shopify store navigation so that customers can find and view your new collection.

Type #2: How to create Shopify Manual Collections

Manual collections are collections that you can manage by yourself. This means that you have to manually add and remove products from the collection as needed. It can be more time-consuming than using an automated collection, but it can also be more flexible. 

This type is not much different from type 1. In step 4, you just need to choose Manual instead of Automated and do all the steps again like type 1.

Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: From your Shopify admin, go to “Products” > “Collections

Step 2: Click on “Create a collection”.

Step 3: Enter a title and description for the collection.

Step 4: In the Collection type section, click “Manual” and then click “Save” in the right corner.

Choose Manual type

Step 5: In the Products section, search for products or click Browse, and then add the products that you want to have in the collection.

Step 6: Set the sort order for how you want the products to be sorted in your store.

Step 7: The Search engine listing preview section shows a preview of how your collections will be displayed in search results. 

If you want to edit this information, then click “Edit website SEO”. 

You can’t change the URL and handle, because they are used to link the collection to your online store. 

Step 8: In the Collection availability, select from your active sales channels where you want your collection to be available.

In the Collection image section below, click “Upload image” to add an image for the collection. Click on “Save”.

Step 9: Add a link to your collection in online store navigation so that customers can find and view the collection.

Great! You have completely created a collection on your own. 

That’s all the process of How to create Shopify Collections in 2 types: Automated and Manual.

Shopify Collections offer a wide range of customization options, so you can make your store stand out from the competition.

Following this tutorial, it will allow you to group products together in an organized way, making it easy for customers to find what they’re looking for.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking to add some structure to your store, Shopify collections are a great way to do it. Shopify collections are one of the most important elements of creating a successful Shopify website. 

By creating collections, you can group products in a way that makes sense for your business and can help to boost your sales and customer satisfaction.


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